Friday, April 20, 2018

How to make the South Indian Filter Coffee

If you are a coffee lover, try this recipe.

Many of us love having filter coffee but making decoction can be quite tricky. So here is the recipe.

Step 1: Select and grind coffee powder from any coffee grinding shop. Selection of coffee bean variety plays a vital role in the thickness and flavor of the decoction. Grind coffee powder in the ratio,

1 kg coffee powder -> ( 800gms PB Pure + 200gms Plantation A ) + Chicory 100gms .

Step 2: Fill up the 3/4th of the filter with coffee powder. Level the top of the coffee powder in the filter and compress / pack it gently. Don't pack it too lose or too tight. Meanwhile Boil 2-3 glasses of water very hot. 

Step 3: Add the water over the coffee powder. The coffee powder will get boiled in the hot water and you can feel a good aroma.

Step 4: Sometimes if the holes are too small or if the granularity of the coffee powder is very very fine, the decoction will not drip down. If after 10-15 mins you din't find any decoction dripped down, add more water and gently mix the water with a fork and make it into a pasty consistency. 

Step 5: Keep adding water at regular intervals till you find decoction is thick. You may need to add around 4 glasses of water to yield 1-1.5 glass of decoction.

Step 6: In a Tumbler Dumera add 1.5 spoons sugar, and decoction as needed. Boil the milk and add it into the tumbler. Mix all the ingredients well. Add decoction over the froth for flavor.

Points to Note :

1. Selection of coffee beans is important for thickness and flavor of the coffee

2. Adding more chicory will yield thick decoction, but it may cause nausea in the long run ( pitham ). Hence adding the above mentioned ratio will be perfect.

3. Selecting of the filter can be quite tricky. Please choose carefully and check if the holes are perfect without any blocks.

4. Granularity of the coffee powder is also vital .The powder should be 95% fine and at least 5% coarse. If it is too fine decoction will not drip down. If it is too coarse, decoction will be watery.

5. When ever you are re-adding water over the powder make sure it is hot or at least warm.

- this information was shared from a southindian blogger's page.

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