Friday, April 6, 2018

நாலு பருக்கை சாப்பிட்றதுல என்ன தப்பு...Ghee used in prasadam was not meant for consumption


Two women died of suspected food poisoning after consuming prasadamserved at a temple near Mettupalayam in Coimbatore on Thursday.
Loganayagi, 60, and Savithri, 60, from Nadar Colony near Mahadevapuram in Mettupalayam had complained of stomach pain and diarrhoea allegedly after consuming the prasadam — aval (rice flakes) mixed in ghee — served at Mariamman temple on Tuesday
The devotees, including two children, were hospitalised yesterday after they partook the 'prasadam' (offering) distributed at Selvamuthu Mariammam temple in Mettupalayam, following complaints of sickness and stomach ailment.

- News shared from Internet source.


Dogs understand both words and intonation of human speech

Study finds that dogs process speech in a similar way to humans, and that what you say and how you say it both matter when conversing with canines.

Dogs are twice as friendly to humankind as previously thought, suggests study.

- shared from Internet resource.

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