Monday, June 18, 2018

Rambu Solo -Indonesian tradition

Rambu Solo ' is a Toraja word that literally means the smoke that goes down. The downward direction means the ritual offerings (smoke) for the dead done after 12 o'clock when the sun begins to move downhill. The solo sign is often called Aluk Rampe Matampu ' , the rites in the west, because after 12 o'clock the sun is to the west. Therefore ritus offerings are held in the west of Tongkonan , the traditional house of Toraja. There is no special invitation for people who will attend this rite. Every Toraja society realizes that they are in the fellowship of Torajan society, and its values ​​can only be lived by the Toraja people correctly and existentially.
Tedong or buffalo used in various custom events in Tana Toraja

- from internet resource.

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