Saturday, March 31, 2018

Reasons Why You Are Seeing 777.

Reason why you are seeing 777

Have you been seeing 777 often? Do you wonder what kind of hidden message this number has and what 777 means for you?

First of all, repetitive number patterns, such as 777, are by no means simple coincidences, but messages from the Universe and your guardian angels or beloved spirit guides. They want to capture your attention because something truly beautiful and awe-inspiring is happening or is about to happen in your life.

Although there can be multiple reasons why you are frequently seeing 777, here are the three most important reasons why this numeric pattern keeps showing up on your journey in this stage of your life.

1st Meaning of 777: You're Interacting in Perfect Synchronicity With The Universe

Whenever you’re seeing the 777 numeric pattern, the angels send you their congratulations! The reason? You are riding the wave and are in tune with your true self and the whole Universe. You are in alignment with your life purpose. It is a confirmation telling you that you’re doing well. When you understand who you truly are, you work on what's meaningful to you and bring your energy and light to the world. This is what the world needs from you.

This is an extremely positive angelic sign for you, so whenever you see 777, remember that your purpose flows from within you and everything that is unfolding or being revealed to you is part of your purpose. Your new thoughts and ideas will nudge you in the right direction.

You will feel as if something larger is taking you over and using you as an instrument or vessel to fulfill a mission. You may even notice that your health improves, your relationships shift for the better, your finances improve, or most significantly—your heart opens.

2nd Meaning of 777: You're Increasing Your Awareness to Know Yourself Better

Another meaning of 777 is that you need to keep your mind positively focused on your true potential and know that you are far more than what you appear to be. For this, you need to continue living in the state of awareness and put all your energy and effort into being more awake. The key is being present.

Being aware of yourself and everything around you is the authentic way you can live your life. Be observant of your own actions and pay attention to every thought and feeling. Be watchful of everything you do. Know what you like and dislike, recognize what motivates you, and be familiar with your strengths and weaknesses. "Know thyself."

Your increased self-awareness will give you the guidance in your life journey. Since you are in control, you will know where to focus your thoughts, feelings, and actions to fulfill your mission.

The following quote from psychoanalyst Carl Jung sums it up: "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

So whenever you see 777, know that the more you’re in touch with who you are, the more your internal chatter will decrease and you will develop more clarity. As the deepest parts of your being rise to the surface, you will notice a state of peace and calmness within your soul.

3rd Meaning of 777: You're Ready to Practice The New Knowledge

Another reason why you are seeing 777 frequently is that you’re ready to put into practice all the wonderful spiritual knowledge you’ve come to understand.

The angels are telling you that you’ve read all the books you needed to read, you’ve done all of your “spiritual homework” and you’re now ready to put everything into play.

You have come out of the study zone and you’re ready to enter the practice zone—this is the meaning of 777.

Start practicing the spiritual lessons that you’ve learned and always stay focused, humble and aware of yourself. Building self-awareness is a life-long effort, so you're never really done.

Whatever is unfolding around you is meant to guide you or to teach you. Everything is connected to you and part of your purpose.

- Shared from Internet Source

Thursday, March 29, 2018


You probably learned how to tell a tree’s age back in sixth grade (maybe even earlier). Every year a tree is alive, a new ring develops in its trunk. But these rings reveal more than just how many years old a tree is. Tree rings hold information about climate conditions specific to each year. Dendrochronologists (people who study tree rings) can look at the rings in wood that was harvested thousands of years ago and determine exactly when it was alive.

Speaking of tree age, what age do you think is the ideal age for a tree to be?

Young Tree

Middle Age Tree

Old Tree

Young?, Middle-aged?, or Old?

The answer is: All of the above. A diverse forest with different ages and a variety of plant species makes for a healthy ecosystem.

There are benefits to all ages of trees.
Young trees are great for our air. Like humans, trees grow the most when they are young. In order to grow, trees have to photosynthesize. During photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon, sunlight, and water and they produce sugar to eat and oxygen, which we use to breath. So, by understanding basic photosynthesis, you can see that young trees are best at absorbing carbon and producing oxygen, thus ensuring healthy air quality for our planet.

Young trees are also better than old trees at fighting off disease and pests. For example, the pine beetle typically only kills pine trees that are more than 80 years old. This is because the younger trees are better at producing sap that blocks the beetles from getting inside the tree. (It looks kind of gross, I know.) So if we have too many old trees, disease and pests can spread out of control and cause immense damage to our forests.

Another benefit of the younger trees is they are less likely to be struck by lightning (which can cause forest fires). Forest fires have their benefits—they help renew aging forests—but we don’t want our forests to be too prone to burning. When fires get out of control they can devastate habitat and risk spreading to towns and people. Since lightning causes 90% of burned forest area in Canada, young forests help prevent these massive forest fires.

Finally, there are certain animals that prefer younger forests. Deer, moose, and elk thrive in areas that have recently experienced events that produce new vegetative growth such as fires, timber harvests, and storms. 

Now, before you start thinking young trees are the only good kind of tree, I will tell you why old trees are also very important.

First of all, they are beautiful! There is something very majestic about old trees. And the density and sponginess of an old forest is kind of mysterious and ignites a desire for exploration.

Older trees are also usually better for harvesting. In Alberta, our trees grow very slowly, so it takes about 80 – 120 years of growth before a tree is large enough to use for products like lumber and pulp. Due to the slow growth of Alberta’s trees, the fibres are very long and strong, producing very high quality paper and wood products.

Just like some animals prefer young trees, other animals prefer old trees. For example, wolverines and caribou prefer older forests because the larger trees provide protection from predators. Old trees also serve better dinner for some animals. Caribou like to munch on the mosses and lichens that grow in old forests.

Finally, old forests are good for preventing the spread of ground fires. These fires spread easily in the presence of dense ground foliage (common to young trees). The foliage on old trees is up high, far from the ground, so ground fires don’t spread as quickly.

As you can see, it is important that we have diverse forests so that different species of plants and animals can thrive. Also, forest diversity provides us with healthy air and ensures we can always use the valuable resources in the forests. It’s a good thing we have foresters and forest technicians who understand the need for diversity in forests and who ensure that we have a range of tree species and ages growing in our forests. Foresters and forest technicians manage forest diversity by matching the appropriate tree species to site conditions and monitoring forest health.

- Shared from Internet Source.

India likely to take up issues over hydroelectric projects with Pakistan

India, Pakistan will hold a two-day meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission in New Delhi, starting tomorrow (29/03/2018), to discuss various issues under the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT).

The six-member Pakistani delegation will be headed by Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali Shah, while India's Indus water commissioner PK Saxena will head the Indian team and will be accompanied by technical experts and a representative of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), sources said.

This will be the 114th meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC), which should meet at least once a year as per the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), sources said.

India, Pakistan will hold a two-day meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission in New Delhi

A day ahead of the announcement of the PIC meeting, Union Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari categorically said that the Centre is making concerted efforts to stop "water sharing" with Pakistan.

Addressing the concluding session of Agri Leadership Summit 2018 in Rohtak in Haryana yesterday, Gadkari said, "During Partition, India got three rivers but we could not utilise our share of the waters, which kept flowing back to Pakistan. Now, the Centre has decided to stop the flow of the country's due share into Pakistan and utilise it to feed our parched lands."

The Indus Waters Treaty covers water distribution and sharing rights of six rivers--Beas, Ravi, Sutlej, Indus, Chenab and Jhelum. Water from the western rivers are reserved for Pakistan and eastern rivers for India.

- Shared from Internet News portal

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

இருண்ட வானம்...Rain Clouds

Lent gives us a chance to reflect on God's love

Lent is a symbol of the progression of our earthly lives towards their goal. It is an opportunity to reflect upon, with deepening appreciation, what the Lord Himself has done for us - the love beyond all measure with which He has loved us; to marvel at His saving work and, with thanksgiving and adoration, to behold the Cross which declares that we are saved, that, with Christ, we are victors.

Lent is a call to "come, consider the works of the Lord and the marvellous deeds He has done (Psalm 66:5)".

Referring to His Passion and Cross, the Lord Jesus foretold: "The Son of Man must be lifted up, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him (John 3:14)."

Jesus is referring to the incident in the desert when the people's disobedience brought a plague of deadly serpents upon them. Many were bitten and died (Numbers 21:6). God instructed Moses to fashion a serpent of bronze and put it up on a standard, so that all who looked at it, were delivered from the deadly toxin. Thus, the means of death was changed into life and healing. The antidote to the deadly poison is created from the venom itself.

This prophetic gesture, shown to Moses by God, points to how God will redeem and save the world from the deadly effects of sin, from our fundamental disobedience to God's Word and from our disastrous departure from His Truth.

Moses lifted up a bronze serpent and all who looked at it were saved from the lethal venom. Jesus Himself is lifted up on the Cross, and all who look to Him, with faith, are saved from everlasting death.

The Cross of Christ is the anti-venom, the antidote, to the destructive power of evil. The Cross of Christ declares the truth that evil will never win and that the Devil's fate is sealed.

Disaster had befallen our humanity and there was no remedy to the catastrophe that had overtaken us, on account of our stubborn rejection of God's love and grace. Nevertheless, the response of God to our self-inflicted plight, was the advent of His Son.

"God loved us with so much love that he was generous with his mercy: when we were dead through our sins, he brought us to life with Christ - it is through grace that you have been saved - and raised us up with him and gave us a place with him in heaven, in Christ Jesus (see Ephesians 2:4-10)."

We were lifeless and He gave us His own life. We were prostrate in abject helplessness and He reached down to us, from the Cross, in infinite kindness and merciful love, raising us up, with Him, beyond the grasp of death. We were the Devil's prey but, by means of the Cross, the Lord has snatched us from the jaws of Hell.

The barren and bitter wood of horror and desolation is now the Tree of Life.

The One who hung upon the arms of the Cross has found and embraced us.

With mighty hand and outstretched arm, the Lord has saved and delivered us. His love endures for evermore (Psalm 136:12).

Let us never lose sight of these wondrous realities. Let us live constantly in the light of the truth of God's love for us (John 3:21) - His love "stronger than death (Song of Songs 8:8)".

- This article was shared from internet source.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Anti-Homeless Spikes in India following UK, China styles.

Financial Times reporter Simon Mundy set off a firestorm Sunday after sharing photos on Twitter of the new tactics India's HDFC Bank has taken up to deter the homeless from sheltering near one of its branches.

​Within hours, Mundy had hundreds of netizens responding to his tweet, calling the move a safety hazard.

HDFC Bank Fort Branch.

Some tweets - 

​"As other have pointed out, these anti-homeless spikes from HDFC Bank Fort branch are not only a depressing gesture towards Mumbai's many rough sleepers," Mundy said in a follow up tweet, using a common British term for homeless people, "but could also impale any pedestrian unlucky enough to trip and fall in this crowded passageway."

However, this isn't exactly a new practice, as Mundy later told the Mumbai Mirror.

"It reminded me of ‘defensive architecture' installed in London to prevent homeless people from sleeping outside commercial premises, which attracted a great deal of public controversy," Mundy told the outlet. "I noted [in subsequent tweets], however, that the spikes outside this HDFC Bank branch were far longer and sharper than those I had seen photographed in the UK and could cause grave injury to anyone who fell on them — there appeared a particular risk of this happening since the passageway outside the branch is narrow and crowded."

Taking note of the growing outrage, HDFC Bank informed the publication that it would be removing the spikes immediately.

"We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused to the public by the installation of the spikes at our Fort branch as part of the recent renovation carried out there," HDFC said in a statement. "While the installation is legal, we should have been conscious of the possibility of inconvenience to passers-by, especially children and elderly."
"We should have been sensitive. We are having the spikes removed on priority," it added.
Concrete spikes under a road bridge in Guangzhou city, Guangdong, China

Metal studs outside private flats on Southwark Bridge Road, London.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Winter Cherry - Siberian Shopping Center Fire.

В торговом центре Кемерова произошел пожар
Информация о том, что в торгово-развлекательном центре (ТРЦ) «Зимняя вишня» в Кемерове произошел пожар, стала поступать около 14:00 по московскому времени в воскресенье, 25 марта. По предварительным данным, возгорание произошло на последнем этаже четырехэтажного здания торгового центра, где в том числе находится кинотеатр и детский развлекательный центр. Сотрудники экстренных служб сразу же перекрыли движение транспорта в районе места происшествия.

In the shopping center of Kemerovo there was a fire.
Information that a fire broke out in the shopping and entertainment center (SEC) "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo, started comming around 14:00 Moscow time on Sunday, March 25. According to preliminary data, the fire occurred on the top floor of a four-story shopping center building, including a cinema and a children's entertainment center. Emergency officers immediately blocked traffic in the vicinity of the scene.

Another news portal reports -


Dozens of kids among 100 feared dead as blaze tears though Russian shopping mall forcing desperate victims to jump to their deaths

Witnesses claim a fire alarm did not go off in the building when the blaze broke out in Siberia