Vinobha Bhave and Land Donation Movement
From Indian history after independence...
"Vinoba started out on his extraordinary bhoodan (Land Gift) movement. Over a period of twenty years, Vinoba walked the length and breath of India, persuading landlords to give to their poor neighbors a total of over four million acres of land (aprox. size of Indian state Nagaland)".
During those time farmers were asked to do 'rishi kheti’ (agriculture of the sages). Natural farming without disturbing the soil.
"The rishis looked upon the soil as a ‘mother’. Ploughing was forbidden, for many of them believed that the plough would damage the soil and turn it into sand.
The rishis considered fruit, tubers and milk the most appropriate diet for humans. Rice, barley and millet were grown in small quantities, and used as offerings to the sacrificial fire. Leftovers were considered consecrated food – prasad – and eaten as such."
- from internet resources.